Juli Plant Grainger Macroeconomics Workshop

Important note:

The Macroeconomics Seminar meets Thursdays at 4:00 pm in 7142 Social Science (Morton Room)
Faculty organizers: Carter Braxton and Dean Corbae

Date Speaker Institution Presentation Title
2/27 Jennifer La'O Columbia Optimal Monetary Policy with Redistribution
3/6 Ricardo Reis London School of Economics TBD
3/13 Satyajit Chatterjee FRB - Philadelphia Explaining Contract Heterogeneity in the Credit Card Market
3/20 Hamish Low Oxford TBD
4/3 Esteban Rossi-Hansberg University of Chicago TBD
4/17 Jose-Victor Rios-Rull (Victor) UPenn TBD
4/24 Rowan Shi Toronto Metropolitan University TBD
5/1 Gianluca Violante Princeton TBD
Date Speaker Institution Presentation Title
9/5 Boaz Abramson Columbia Business School Macroeconomics of Mental Health
9/12 Todd Schoellman FRB - Minneapolis Economic Development According to Chandler
9/19 Duong Dang UW-Madison Customer capital and firm innovation
9/26 Shannon Sledz UW-Madison Who to insure - firms or workers?
10/3 Philip Coyle UW-Madison Maturity Walls
10/10 Simon Mongey FRB Minneapolis Pricing Inequality
10/24 Katya Kazakova UW-Madison Firm’s Public Listing, Investment, and Financing in the Presence of Private Information
10/31 Tu Cao UW-Madison The Welfare Implications of Heterogeneous Wage Rigidities in a Simple New Keynesian Model
11/7 Zhen Huo Yale Inattentive Network: Evidence and Theory
11/21 Iourri Manovskii Penn Female Employment and Structural Transformation
12/5 Will Jungerman UNC Chapel Hill Learning on the Job
12/12 Chen Lian UC Berkeley Why Do Workers Dislike Inflation? Wage Erosion and Conflict Costs
Date Speaker Institution Presentation Title
3/7 Florian Trouvain Princeton Technology Adoption, Innovation, and Inequality in a Global World
4/4 Bruno Pellegrino Columbia GSB Product Differentiation and Oligopoly: a Network Approach
4/11 Zi Yang Kang Harvard Optimal Indirect Regulation of Externalities
4/18 Edouard Schaal CREI Political Preferences and the Spatial Distribution of Infrastructure: Evidence from California's High-Speed Rail
4/25 Jeremy Greenwood Penn 'You Will:' A Macroeconomic Analysis of Digital Advertising
5/2 Mark Bils Rochester Monopsony and Comparative Advantage
Date Speaker Institution Presentation Title
9/07 Pete Klenow Stanford University Good Rents versus Bad Rents: R&D Misallocation and Growth
9/14 Conor Walsh Columbia Business School Are Inflationary Shock Regressive? A Feasible Set Approach
9/21 NONE - -
9/22 Emerging Scholars Conference Orchard View Room in Discovery Building Conference Schedule
9/28 Natalie Duncombe UW-Madison Missing Routine Work: Automation and the Life Cycle
10/05 April Meehl UW-Madison Bailouts, Bail-ins, and Banking Industry Dynamics
10/10 Wentao Zhou *Room 8417 Social Science UW-Madison The Firm Balance Sheet Channel of Uncertainty Shocks
10/12 Ellen McGrattan University of Minnesota On the Nature of Entrepreneurship
10/17 Veronica Guerrieri Chicago Booth Scaling up the American Dream: a Dynamic Analysis
10/19 Nisha Chikhale UW-Madison Parental Beliefs, Social Learning, and Intergenerational Mobility
10/26 Arnaud Costinot MIT Why is trade not free? A revealed preference approach
11/02 Joe Hazell London School of Economics Measuring the Natural Rate Using Natural Experiments
11/07 Fatih Guvenen *Room 8417 Social Science University of Minnesota Skewed Business Cycles
11/09 Julieta Caunedo University of Toronto Capital Embodied Structural Change
11/16 Alisdair McKay FRB Minneapolis Optimal Policy Rules in HANK
11/28 Ernest Liu Princeton Neoclassical Growth in an Interdependent World
12/07 Serdar Birinci FRB - STL Labor Market Shocks and Monetary Policy
12/14 Yueyuan Ma UCSB Specialization in a Knowledge Economy
Date Speaker Institution Presentation Title
9/15 Kristina Manysheva Princeton Land Property Rights, Financial Frictions, and Resource Allocation in Developing Countries
9/29 Chris Tonetti Stanford Risky Insurance: Life-cycle Insurance Portfolio Choice with Incomplete Markets
10/06 Jason Choi UW-Madison Credit Lines and Bank Risk
10/13 Cody Kallen UW-Madison Profit Shifting and Multinational Investment
10/20 Wentao Zhou UW-Madison The Firm Balance Sheet Channel of Uncertainty Shocks
10/27 Nicolas Werquin FRB-Chicago A Fair Day's Pay for a Fair Day's Work: Optimal Tax Design as Redistributional Arbitrage
11/03 Alessandro Dovis U-Penn Imperfect Risk Sharing and the Business Cycle
12/01 Tommaso Porzio Columbia Self-Employment within the Firm (with Vittorio Bassi, Jung H. Lee , Alessandra Peter, Ritwika Senand Esau Tugume)
12/08 Marina Halac Yale A Theory of Fiscal Responsibility and Irresponsibility
Date Speaker Institution Presentation Title
09/10 This seminar begin will begin at 11.30 am Princeton
09/15 (Tuesday)
This seminar will begin at 11.30 am
10/1 UW-Madison
10/8 UW-Madison Illiquid Homeownership and the Bank of Mom and Dad
10/15 UW-Madison
How Do Independent Boards Affect Shareholder Value? Evidence from a Structural Estimation
10/22 UW-Madison The Impact of Pension Plan Shift on Household Risk Exposure
10/29 MIT Dynamic Oligopoly and Price Stickiness
11/5 University of Chicago
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
This seminar will begin at 3 pm
12/3 Harvard
12/10 UCLA
12/15 (Tuesday) UC-Berkeley
Date Speaker Institution Presentation Title
2/27 UW-Madison
3/5 Yale
3/12 Minneapolis Fed
3/26 MIT
4/2 Ohio State
4/9 MIT Sloan School of Management
4/16 MIT
4/30 Notre Dame
The Stable Transformation Path
Date Speaker Institution Presentation Title
9/12 UCSD
9/19 Harvard
9/26 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
10/3 UW-Madison Taxing Top Earners: The Role of Entrepreneurs
10/10 UPenn
10/17 Chang Liu UW-Madison
Regional Risk and Aggregate Fluctuations
10/24 Oksana Leukhina FRB St. Louis
10/31 Zehao Li UW-Madison Financial Intermediary Leverage and Unemployment
11/7 Christoph Boehm UT Austin
11/14 Harold Cole University of Pennsylvania Coalition-Proof Risk Sharing Under Frictions
11/21 Simon Mongey University of Chicago
12/5 Hassan Afrouzi Columbia
Date Speaker Institution Presentation Title
2/28 Johns Hopkins University
3/7 Harvard
3/14 Carnegie Mellon
Inequality, Redistribution, and Optimal Trade Policy: A Public Finance Approach
3/28 Duke
4/4 Harvard Micro Jumps, Macro Humps: monetary policy and business cycles in an estimated HANK model
4/11 Ross Levine UC-Berkeley Selection into Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment
4/18 Chicago Booth
5/2 Notre Dame
5/9 Mannheim Consumer Credit with Over-Optimistic Borrowers