
The American Economic Challenges Symposium Symposium Agenda Find out more
Robert Town Powell Centennial Professor of American Economic Principles, Population Research Center, University of Texas-Austin Health care: Benefit Design in Health Insurance
Jan Hatzius, Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs The Economic Outlook
Eric Rosengren President & CEO, The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Keynote address- “Monetary Policy and Interest Rates”
Rebecca Blank Chancellor, University of Wisconsin – Madison Higher Education: A Solution to Income Inequality
Stephen Roach Senior Fellow, Yale University’s Jackson Policy Institute and Former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia US-China Conflict: Trade War or Cold War?

Juli Plant Grainger Emerging Scholars Conference  August 26, 2019 Program
Adrien Auclert Stanford Demographics, Wealth, and Interest Rates in the 21st Century
Eduardo Davila Yale Optimal Financial Transaction Taxes
Diego Perez NYU Global Banks and Systemic Debt Crises
Pooya Molavi MIT Macroeconomics with Learning and Misspecification: A General Theory and Applications
Matthew Rognlie Northwestern Micro Jumps, Macro Humps: Monetary Policy and Business Cycles in an Estimated HANK Model
Arlene Wong Princeton State Dependent Effects of Monetary Policy: The refinancing channel
Juli Plant Grainger Alumni Conference  April 6, 2019 Agenda
John Jones Richmond FRB An Estimated Structural Model of Entrepreneurial Behavior
Andros Kourtellos visiting the University of Chicago Genes and Socioeconomic Outcomes
Limor Golan Washington University - St. Louis What Explains the Racial Gaps in Task Assignment and Pay Over the Life-Cycle? (joint with Jonathan James and Carl Sanders)
Atsuko Tanaka Calgary University College Loans and Post-schooling Skill Accumulation (joint with Chao Fu & Hsuan-Chih Lin)
Cher Li Colorado State University Ask and You Shall Receive? Gender Difference in Regrades in College
Lindsay Jacobs UW-Madison, La Follette Labor Force Transitions at Older Ages: Burnout, Recovery, and Reverse Retirement (joint with Suphanit Piyapromdee)
Nathan Yoder University of Georgia Matching with Complementary Contracts (joint with Marzena Rostek)
Fran Flanagan Wake Forest University Canceling Out the Cross Section: The Effect of Peremptory Challenges on Jury Composition, Evidence from the U.S. South
Midwest Econometrics Group Conference October 26 & 27, 2018 Program Find out more
Charles Manski Northwestern Treatment Choice with Trial Data- Statistical Decision Theory Should Supplant Hypothesis Testing

Juli Plant Grainger Summer Conference June 22 & 23, 2018 Program
Jack Mountjoy University of Chicago Community Colleges and Upward Mobility
Heather Sarsons Harvard Interpreting Signals: Evidence from Medical Referrals
Jack Willis Columbia Time vs. State in Insurance (joint with Lorenzo Casaburi)
Gabriel Kreindler University of Chicago The Welfare Efect of Road Congestion Pricing: Experimental Evidence and Equilibrium Implications
David Yang Stanford The Impact of Media Sensorship: 1984 or a Brave New World?
Juli Plant Grainger Emerging Scholars Conference Program
Rebecca Diamond Stanford The Geography of Consumption Inequality (joint with Enrico Moretti)
Ariel Burstein UCLA “Tradability and the Labor-Market impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence from the U.S.” (joint with Jonathan Vogel, Gordon Hanson and Lin Tian)
Mark Colas University of Oregon Dynamic Responses to Immigration
Rafael Dix Carneiro Duke Trade and Informality in the Presence of Labor Market Frictions and Regulations (joint with Penny Goldberg and Costas Meghir)
George Borjas Harvard “Job Vacancies and Immigration: Evidence from Pre- and Post-Mariel Miami” (joint with Jason Anastasopoulos, Gavin Cook, and Michael Lachanksi)
Lorenzo Caliendo Yale “Goods and Factor Market Integration: A Quantitative Assessment of the EU Enlargement” (joint with Luca Opromolla, Fenando Parro, and Alessandro Sforza)
Juli Plant Grainger Alumni Conference  April 7, 2018 Program
Ivan Canay Northwestern “Testing Continuity of a Density via g-order statistics in the Regression Discontinuity Design” (joint with Federico A. Bungi)
Jing Tao University of Washington Inference for High Dimensional Instrumental Variables Regression with an Application to Demand Estimation
Ying Ying Lee University of California - Irvine Regression Discontinuity Designs with a Continuous Treatment
Yu Zhu Bank of Canada Robust Inference in First-Price Auctions: Experimental Findings As Identifying Restrictions (joint with Serafin Grundl)
Kurt Lunsford Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Understanding the Aspects of Federal Reserve Forward Guidance
Woan Foong Wong University of Oregon New Export Opportunities and Firm Performance in the Presence of Large State Sector (joint with Brian McCaig and Nina Pavcnik)
Kyle Dempsey Ohio State University Macroprudential Capital Requirements with Non-Bank Finance
Juli Plant Grainger Alumni Conference April 1, 2017 Program
Peter Arcidiacono Duke Ex Ante Returns and Occupational Choice (joint with Joe Hotz, Arnaud Maurel, and Teresa Romano)
Carly Urban Montana State University The Effects of Financial Education on Student Financial Aid Choices (joint with Christiana Stoddard)
Kevin Hutchinson Heterogeneous Workers and Federal Income Taxes in a Spatial Equilibrium (joint with Mark Colas)
Rebecca Lessem Carnegie Mellon Skill specialization and economic success: Networks and human capital in short term labor markets
Kathryn Edwards RAND Corporation The Work, Consumption, and Savings Behavior of Parents with an Unemployed Child
Michael Choi University of California – Irvine Consumer Search and Price Competition (joint with Teddy Kim and Anovia Dai)
Yuya Takahashi University of Washington Competition in a Differentiated Product Market with Individual Pricing