Take Care of Yourself
Wellness is the foundation of your academic success and overall wellbeing. The Department of Economics works with you (and “your people!”) to provide you the support you need to help you graduate successfully, and happily, from UW-Madison.
The Department of Economics also works closely with these UW-Madison campus partners to provide you support and resources to ensure your journey to graduation is as smooth as it can be:
McBurney Disability Resource Center
Office of Student Assistance and Support
Mental Health and Wellness
Mental Health Is Real.
Mental Health Matters.
University Health Services (UHS) provides mental health services and support through counseling and workshops available specifically for you as a Badger. UHS’s mental health providers understand the complexities of student life and offer you a safe and confidential environment to help you through whatever you may need so you can be academically, and personally, successful in Econ at UW.
Talking about mental health is a common part of advising here in the Department of Economics, and we are happy to chat with you. Just know that we are not licensed professionals, just fellow caring humans. We’ll always recommend you talk with UHS, in addition to speaking with us!
Academic Wellness
Learning is about You!
A professor will be always happy to help you learn, but you have to know the way that YOU learn best. Take advantage of our in-house resources like Study Spaces and Study Skills, but also recognize that help comes from all places across campus. Learning Support and getting involved on campus help you be both a student, and a human; an important combination so that learning can effectively happen in and outside the classroom.
Life Wellness
Need some Help?
Succeeding in classes at UW-Madison, and especially in Econ, will look a little different for everyone. Academic Advisors in Economics will help with anything you bring into the office, but often we’ll be the ones pointing you to your next step if it’s beyond coursework. Offices could be: McBurney if you’d like to discuss different-ability avenues to success, Office of Student Financial Aid if you wanted to talk money matters, or even the Office of Student Assistance and Support for all-inclusive student success discussions, and many more on-campus resources! We are all here to support you, you just have to tell us.