Spring 2024 Economics Graduation Event

Congratulations Econ Majors! We are excited to celebrate you!

Thursday, May 9, 2024 | Monona Terrace Convention Center | Econ Graduation Celebration

Students must be seated by 4:50pm | Ceremony from 5:15-7:00pm

Each student is welcome to bring a limited number of guests.  A virtual live stream option is available. Reception with hot appetizers, dessert, drinks, and other refreshments at Monona Terrace will follow the ceremony.

Students who missed the official RSVP and still wish to attend, please email econadvise@ssc.wisc.edu from their @wisc.edu email to inquire if seats are still available.

Monona Terrace Ramp Parking: Use Google Maps for detailed driving directions from your point of origin. If using GPS please use these coordinates rather than One John Nolen Drive: 43.069972, -89.382583 You will arrive at the John Nolen Drive entrance to the Monona Terrace parking ramp. Or, Input 1 W. Wilson Street to enter the parking structure from Wilson St. or to use the drop-off lane.

Monona Terrace has limited ramp parking. If filled, you can use the City Of Madison Parking website find nearby ramps. This is a website with live up to date availability for the ramps: https://www.cityofmadison.com/parking-utility/garages-lots/current-hourly-parking-availability. The closet city ramp is the Wilson Street Garage, which is one block away from the Monona Terrace.

Access to inside Monona Terrace from the ramp: please take the stairs or an elevator to Level 4, where our event is taking place.


When: Saturday, May 11, 2024 at Noon

Where: Camp Randall Stadium

Learn more about the UW Commencement Ceremony

Rent or purchase your cap and gown through the University Bookstore.

March 7: Last day to purchase academic attire.

May 3: Last day to rent via their online portal.

May 10: Last day to rent through their in-person services.

General Information

The Office of the Registrar is in charge of diplomas and sending them to students. Ensure that you are set to receive yours and find more information about the process here: https://registrar.wisc.edu/diplomas/.


Selecting Diploma Name

Students can select their diploma display name by completing the application for graduation and selecting the name of their choice. More information on how students can select their diploma name can be found in step 6 and 7 of this KnowledgeBase document. Indicating their commencement preferences and name in the commencement program are separate from the diploma name. Questions? Contact the Office of the Registrar