About this public event:
“Reparations & The Nation’s Capital”
Presented by William A. (Sandy) Darity Jr. & Kirsten Mullen (Duke University)
A discussion of:
- The structure of an appropriate program of Black reparations in the United States
- The significance of Black reparations being a federal rather than a state or local project
- The inadequacies of the federal effort thus far
Thursday, October 12
Nacho bar reception to follow (6:00-7:00pm)
Great Hall – Memorial Union
Free public event. Seating is first-come/first-served.
William A. (“Sandy”) Darity Jr. is the Samuel DuBois Cook Professor of Public Policy, African and African American Studies, and Economics and the director of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University. He has served as chair of the Department of African and African American Studies and was the founding director of the Research Network on Racial and Ethnic Inequality at Duke. Previously he served as director of the Institute of African American Research, director of the Moore Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program, director of the Undergraduate Honors Program in economics, and director of Graduate Studies at the University of North Carolina. at Chapel Hill.
Darity’s research focuses on inequality by race, class and ethnicity, stratification economics, schooling and the racial achievement gap, North-South theories of trade and development, skin shade and labor market outcomes, the economics of reparations, the Atlantic slave trade and the Industrial Revolution, the history of economics, and the social psychological effects of exposure to unemployment.
Kirsten Mullen is a writer, folklorist, museum consultant, and lecturer whose work focuses on race, art, history, and politics.