Satisfactory Progress in the Master’s Program:
Students are required to make satisfactory academic progress toward completion while maintaining high standards of personal conduct, as described below.
Satisfactory Progress – Academic Expectations
Continuation in the Graduate School is at the discretion of the department of Economics Department, the Graduate School, and the Director of the Master’s Program (DMP).
The Graduate School requires that students maintain a minimum graduate grade point average of 3.00 in all graduate-level work (courses numbered 300 and above, excluding research, audited courses, and credit / no credit [pass / fail courses]) taken as a graduate student unless probationary admission conditions require higher grades. The Graduate School also considers Incomplete(I) grades to be unsatisfactory if they are not removed during the subsequent semester of enrollment; however, the instructor may impose an earlier deadline.
A student may be placed on probation or suspended from the Graduate School for low grades or for failing to resolve incomplete grades in a timely fashion. In special cases the Graduate School permits students who do not meet these minimum standards to continue on probation upon recommendation and support of the DMP.
Satisfactory Progress – Expectations of Conduct
All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of professional behavior and ethics. The economics master’s program, the Graduate School, and the Division of Student Life all uphold the UW System policies and procedures for academic and non-adcademic misconduct. Students are responsible for reading the information here as well as the information published on all the relevant web sites. Lack of knowledge of this information does not excuse any infraction.
Graduate School Policies & Procedures: Academic Misconduct
Graduate School Policies & Procedures: Non-Academic Misconduct
Dean of Students Office: Academic integrity
Dean of Students Office: Non-Academic Misconduct
Disciplinary Action and Dismissal:
Academic Standards
A semester grade point average (GPA) below 3.00 will result in the student being placed on academic probation. If a semester GPA of 3.00 is not attained during the subsequent semester of full-time enrollment (or 12 credits of enrollment if enrolled part-time) the student may be dismissed from the program or allowed to continue for one additional semester based on appeal of the student’s advisor to the Graduate School. A cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 is required to graduate. See Graduate School Academic Policies & Procedures: Probation and Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement.
Standards of Conduct
All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of professional behavior and ethics. The economics MS GF program, the Graduate School, and the Division of Student Life all uphold the UW System policies and procedures for academic and non-academic misconduct. Graduate students are held to the same standards of responsible conduct of research as faculty and staff. Students are responsible for reading the information here as well as the information published on all the relevant web sites. Lack of knowledge of this information does not excuse any infraction.
Additional information regarding Academic Misconduct:
- Graduate School Policy & Procedure: Misconduct, Academic:
- Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards:
- Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, Student Resources for Academic Integrity:
Additional information regarding Non-Academic Misconduct
- Graduate School Academic Policies & Procedures:
- Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, Non-Academic Misconduct Policies:
- Office of Student Conduct and Community Standard,: Non-Academic Misconduct Process
- University of Wisconsin System: Chapter UWS 17: Student Non-Academic Disciplinary Procedures:
Additional information regarding Research Misconduct:
- Graduate School Policies & Procedures: Responsible Conduct of Research
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education’s – Office of Research Policy: Introduction & Guide to Resources on Research Ethics:
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education’s Office of Research Policy: Policies, Responsibilities, and Procedures: Reporting Misconduct:
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education’s Office of Research Policy: Policies, Responsibilities, and Procedures: Responsible Conduct of Research Resources:
Students may be disciplined or dismissed from the graduate program for any type of misconduct (academic, non-academic, professional, or research) or failure to meet program expectations regardless of their academic standing in the program. Separate and apart from a violation of Professional Conduct, a student may face University disciplinary action with regard to the same action. Concerns about infractions of Professional Conduct may be effectively handled informally between the student and the Director of the Economics Master’s Partnership Program. However, if a resolution is not achieved, the issue may be advanced for further review by the Department of Economics Faculty Graduate Committee.