To view the Schedule of Classes, please visit Course Search and Enroll for full details and an online listing of course sections offered each term.
Typical Fall Course Offerings:
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Economics 703 - Mathematical Economics
A survey of mathematical techniques used in economic analysis. Linear algebra and optimization techniques are emphasized.
Credits: 3-4
Economics 709 - Econ Stats and Econometrics I
Probability distributions, statistical inference; multiple linear regression; introduction to econometric methods. Enroll Info: It is expected that students will have completed three semesters calculus (such as MATH 234) and linear algebra (such as MATH 340).
Credits: 3-4
Economics 711 - Economic Theory- Microeconomics Sequence
First course in a two-semester sequence: theories of firms, consumers, and markets; or partial and general equilibria in market and centralized economies; topics in welfare economics. Enroll Info: It is expected that students will have completed three semesters calculus (such as MATH 234) and linear algebra (such as MATH 340).
Credits: 3
Economics 712 - Economic Theory- Macroeconomics Sequence
First course in a two semester sequence: commodity, money and labor markets, their components and general equilibrium; intertemporal optimization and growth theory. Enroll Info: It is expected that students will have completed three semesters calculus (such as MATH 234) and linear algebra (such as MATH 340).
Credits: 3
Economics 715 - Econometrics Methods
Nonlinear econometric theory.
Credits: 3
Economics 736 - Macroeconomic Policy
Theoretical, empirical, and institutional aspects of the use of monetary, fiscal, and income policies to affect inflation, unemployment, and other policy goals.
Credits: 3
Economics 741 - Public Finance & Fiscal Policy
Theoretical development of the functions of government in a mixed economy; welfare criteria for efficient government expenditures and taxation; nature of public goods and of redistribution activities of governments. Program budgeting and theoretical issues in cost-benefit analysis
Credits: 3
Economics 750 - Labor Economics
Theoretical and empirical analysis of labor markets, labor mobility, the determination of earnings and employment, and labor supply of the household unit; emphasizes recent research on current issues in public policy.
Credits: 3
Economics 761 - Industrial Organization Theory
A review of theories of the firm, oligopoly, and imperfect competition. Includes applications of economic theory and game theory to agency theory, product diversity, technological change, and strategic behavior by firms–among other problems.
Credits: 3
Economics 805 - Advanced Microeconomic Theory I
Economic behavior under uncertainty; measure of risk, information structure, stock market and asset pricing, insurance theory, asymmetric information and incentive mechanisms.
Credits: 3
Economics 871 - Adv International Economics
General equilibrium algebraic and geometric modeling of open economies with balanced trade, and the welfare economics of international exchange and barriers thereto.
Credits: 3
Economics 880 - Topics in Computational Economics
Covers techniques to compute and estimate structural models. Transition from formal Econometrics, Macroeconomics and Theory training to applications.
Credits: 1-3
Economics 899 - Research in Applied Microeconomics
Research in Applied Microeconomics for 3rd year economics PhD students
Credits: 1
Economics 899 - Research in Macro & International Economics
Research in Macro & International Economics for 3rd year economics PhD students
Credits: 1
Economics 901 - Workshop in Mathematical Economic Theory
Critical discussion of topics in the field of economic theory.
Seminar 001: F 3:45-5:15 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 903 - Workshop on Industrial Organization
Current research on the operation of markets in which individuals and firms act with imperfect information, are limited in their responses, may purchase heterogeneous commodities or factor services, and are concerned with conflicting goals.
Seminar 001: W 3:45-5:00 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 913 - Workshop in Econometrics
Current research in econometric model building, estimation and inference in econometrics.
Seminar 001: F 1:30-2:45 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 955 - Workshop in Labor Economics
Analysis of current research in wage determination and the functioning of labor markets.
Seminar 001: M 3:45-5:15 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 965 - Workshop on Quant Macro-Economic Analysis
Current research on macroeconomic models, monetary theory and policy, the theory of portfolio selection, and the allocative and distributive performance of capital markets.
Seminar 001: Th 3:45-5:15 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 968- Workshop on Public Economics
Individual research and group discussion of public expenditure programs with attention to investment in human capital, education, training, health information, and welfare programs. Reports on research in progress by students, staff, visiting scholars.
Seminar 001: Tu 3:45-5:30 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 977- Workshop in International Economics
Current research in international trade; a wide range of topics in theory, quantitative analysis, statistics, and policy. For graduate students in their second or later years when working on theses.
Credits: 1-7
Typical Spring Course Offerings:
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Economics 710- Econ Stats and Econometrics II
Extensions of the linear regression model; introduction to multiple equation models.
Requisites: ECON709
Credits: 3 – 4
Economics 713: Economic Theory: Microeconomics Sequence
Second course in a two-semester sequence: the theory of market, their efficiency properties, externalities, and the role of prices, and an introduction to the economics of information, including moral hazard and adverse selection.
Requisites: ECON 711
Credits: 3
Economics 714: Economic Theory: Macroeconomics Sequence
Second course in a two-semester sequence. Topics include: asset pricing; fiscal and monetary policy; mechanism design, estimation and calibration of business cycle models.
Requisites: ECON 712
Credits: 3
Economics 716: Econometric Methods
Advanced econometric theory.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing
Credits: 3
Economics 717: Applied Econometrics
Applied cross section and panel methods.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing
Credits: 3
Economics 735: Monetary and Financial Theory
Advanced appraisal of theory and institutions of the financial system, monetary theory, the credit system and financial intermediaries.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing
Credits: 3
Economics 742: Advanced Public Economics
Incidence of tax burdens and expenditure benefits on relative incomes; effect of taxation on microeconomic decisions relating to work effort, investment, and consumption; analysis of the stabilization, growth, and debt management policies in the context of the economy as a whole; problems in international taxation.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing
Credits: 3
Economics 751: Survey Of Institutional Aspects Of Labor Economics
Taught on a modular basis: Labor Theories and Labor History; Union Political Activities; Collective Bargaining and Public Policy. For use in analysis of problems in areas of labor markets, wages and human resources.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing
Credits: 3
Economics 762: Empirical Analysis Of Industrial Organization And Public Policy
A study of measurement in industrial organization and a survey of empirical tests of hypotheses in the field. The theory and practice of antitrust is also covered. Each student will produce an original piece of research.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing
Credits: 3
Economics 810: Advanced Macroeconomic Theory
Topics in Macroeconomic Research
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing
Credits: 3
Economics 872: Advanced International Economics
Algebraic and geometric modeling of open macroeconomics with unbalanced trade and payments, focussing analytically on the foreign exchange market and the determinants of the exchange rate.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing
Credits: 3
Economics 899-1: Topics in Economics
Research in Applied Microeconomics
Requisites: Third year Econ PhD student
Credits: 1
Economics 899-2: Topics in Economics
Research in Macroeconomics and International Economics
Requisites: Third year Econ PhD student
Credits: 1
Economics 902- Workshop in Mathematic Economic Theory
Critical discussion of topics in the field of economic theory.
F 3:45-5:15 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 904- Workshop on Industrial Organization
Current research on the operation of markets in which individuals and firms act with imperfect information, are limited in their responses, may purchase heterogeneous commodities or factor services, and are concerned with conflicting goals.
W 3:45-5:30 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 914- Workshop in Econometrics
Current research in econometric model building, estimation and inference in econometrics.
F 1:20-3:20 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 956- Workshop on Labor Economics
Analysis of current research in wage determination and the functioning of labor markets.
M 3:45-5:15 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 966- Workshop on Quantitative Macroeconomic Analysis
Current research on macroeconomic models, monetary theory and policy, the theory of portfolio selection, and the allocative and distributive performance of capital markets.
R 3:45-5:15 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 969- Workshop on Public Economics
Individual research and group discussion of public expenditure programs with attention to investment in human capital, education, training, health information, and welfare programs. Reports on research in progress by students, staff, visiting scholars.
Tu 3:45-5:30 pm
Credits: 1-7
Economics 978- Workshop in International Economics
Current research in international trade; a wide range of topics in theory, quantitative analysis, statistics, and policy. For graduate students in their second or later years when working on theses.
Credits: 1-7