Fall 2020 Opportunities – Week 6


Are you considering graduate school but not sure what programs economics students go into, the admission process, or how to get started? The Economics Undergraduate Academic Advising Office is hosting a panel where you can hear from current graduate students for advice and resources! You will be able to ask questions of and hear from many different panelists, including current Masters & Ph.D., Law, MBA, and La Follette School of Public Affairs students.

Panelists will share their advice and experience for a range of topics, and will answer questions like: What advice do you have for: preparing for graduate placement tests, writing your personal statement, and asking for letters of recommendation? What did you do during undergrad to be a competitive applicant? What advice do you have for finding financial support or funding for graduate school? Did you take any gap years?

This online panel will be held on Monday, October 12th from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. CDT. Use this ZOOM link to access the workshop: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/92084756849?pwd=eXZZMFZmcG0ybWZQOGViK3NZY01qQT09 

Meeting ID: 920 8475 6849

Passcode: 018873

If you have questions about this event, please feel free to reach out to us at econadvise@ssc.wisc.edu.

**If you were unable to attend the event, please reach out to an academic advisor to see if you can get connected with one of our panelists.