Badgers Exploring Finance

Badgers Exploring Finance Spring 2021 Program

This is an exciting program for students across campus who are interested in learning more about the world of finance and interested in exploring careers in finance. Deadline to apply is Feb 28. If you are accepted into the program you will be invited to exclusive virtual networking and hands-on learning events. Finance firms don’t care what major you are, they are just looking for a way to identify which students are interested in finance. By joining this program, you are making sure to stay connected to job opportunities and events for finance-interested students.

Over the course of March and April 2021, students participating in this program will have the opportunity to learn more about careers in finance through:

  • Virtual employer visits that will incorporate day in the life activities
  • A special networking opportunity with alumni who work in finance
  • A hands-on stock pitch opportunity

Don’t miss out on these special opportunities if you’re interested in the financial services industry! All years and majors are encouraged to apply and participate.


Learn more and apply online by February 28 here.

What previous year's participants said about the experience:

"The NYSE event was awesome. I learned so much from alumni and made valuable connections."

"I also got a sense of what it’s like to work in a New York finance company.”

"I learned a lot about how to properly network, plus how to start planning early for a career in finance.”